Regular events take place at the Habitat Hub – find them on social media to learn more.
Community and Whānau Meetings
When: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 12pm – 1:30pm
Where: Mosaic Room
These meetings are run by Volunteer Nelson. They provide a forum where issues, ideas or projects of community interest can be raised and discussed, and valuable information, ideas and strategies shared.
Mosaic Community Church
When: Weekly every Sunday at 10:30am
Where: Mosaic Room
Mosaic Community Church is a fun loving, multi-cultural, family church that looks to show the love of Jesus Christ through what we do and how we are. We have heaps going on at the hub and across the community. We are part of Catalyst a global network of churches.
They provide a forum where issues, ideas or projects of community interest can be raised and discussed, and valuable information, ideas and strategies shared.